Apply for a Distribution

Thank you for looking at Restorative Actions Fund & Trust for Afro-Americans to support your organization, community project, and individual goals. Applications received by the 15th of the month are reviewed and considered for approval the following month. Applicants will receive an email when the application has been successfully submitted and we will be in touch if additional information or conversation is required. We look forward to learning about how we can help you flourish!

Needs based distribution applications are accepted until August 21st.

Scroll down for the standard distribution application.

Needs Based Distribution Application: Restorative Actions Fund & Trust for Afro-Americans

Needs Based Distribution Application: Restorative Actions Fund & Trust for Afro-Americans

An individual qualifies as Afro-American when at least half of the population when two or more of these criteria apply.
Does the recipient meet the qualifications above as an Afro-American?
*Federal guidelines for low-income individuals and/or households will be used for eligibility.
Do you have consent from your community to apply for this distribution?

Distribution Application: Restorative Actions Fund & Trust for Afro-Americans

Distribution Application: Restorative Actions Fund & Trust for Afro-Americans

The Fund's & Trust's stated purpose is to resume the work left undone at Emancipation to increase opportunities to flourish for the heirs of the Afro-Americans whose ability to accumulate generational wealth was severely restricted through the denial of equal protection under the law.

Is this organization or individual majority led by Afro-Americans?
Does this project or initiative support Afro-Americans?

Organization or Individual Information

(If applicable)

Project or Initiative Information

What area of well-being does this project support?
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