Restorative Actions is an economic equity initiative born from the intersection of theology, justice, and economics.

It allows U.S. Americans who benefit from institutional racism, to provide a credible witness for justice, by

(1) acknowledging the unjust advantages produced by racism, and then (2) surrendering the illgotten gains of those advantages

toward the establishment of just relationships with Afro-American and Indigenous communities.

United States' Racial Wealth Disparity

What are the trusts and who will direct them?

There are four trusts, two directed by and for the benefit of Indigenous people and the other two directed by and for the benefit of Afro-Americans.
The trusts will be comprised of and led by individuals that are representative of the communities the trusts are intended to benefit.
These trustees will make ALL decisions about distributions.

Restorative Funds for Indigenous Individuals & Communities

Indigenous woman with hands crossed in front of her

Whose stated purpose is to increase opportunities to flourish for Indigenous individuals and communities. 

The nations of peoples who are indigenous to the lands called the United States of America since 1776, know one another by many names. The original nations refer to each other not only by ancestral names, but according to unique and ancient ways of knowing and being. As the original caretakers of ancestral lands, Indigenous peoples remain in close relation to the lands of their origin. 

Recently, a host of names have emerged in reference to the original peoples of these lands. American Indian, Native American, Alaskan Native, and Hawaiian Native are just a few names that come into usage with the arrival of settlers from European nations—to say nothing of the countless tribal names identified long before the demand is created for hyphenated appellations in lieu of the names chosen by an ancient family of nations.  

Today, however, the term Indigenous encompasses all Native peoples who originate from the land currently occupied by the United States of America.   

Restorative Funds for AFRO-AMERICAN Individuals & Communities

Afro-American family on beach

Whose stated purpose is to resume the work left undone at Emancipation to increase opportunities to flourish for the heirs of the Afro-Americans whose ability to accumulate generational wealth was severely restricted through the denial of equal protection under the law.

The name Afro-American comes into usage in 1878. It is the chosen name of the generation of women and men who resolve to endure and defy what Rayford Logan identifies as the “nadir of the Negro’s status”1 in the United States. During this period, the light of Emancipation is eclipsed for a time as former Abolitionists and avowed white supremacists concur on the likely extinction of the nation’s population of African descended people. This is also a time when Afro-Americans are disturbed continually with threats of disfranchisement” in addition to forced “expatriation”2 as colonists to the west coast of the African continent with which they have only a generic ethnic and geographic relation. Therefore, Afro-American names those determined ones who are possessed of “a mind to stay”3 in the land of their birth in order to continue building a future by struggling to realize social, political, and economic democracy, while reevaluating political loyalties, cultivating an Afro-American literature worthy of the “the respect of the world”4, and even reclaiming the time it takes to attend to less weighty matters5.  

1 In 1893, The Christian Recorder records E.J. Waring’s claim that he “coined, or invented, or constructed the word in 1878, in the month of May, at Columbus, Ohio, when I was principal of the Colored Public Schools of that city.” CollectionAfrican American Newspapers PublicationTHE CHRISTIAN RECORDER DateJanuary 12, 1893 TitleTHE NEW RACE NAME; AFRO AMERICAN. LocationPhiladelphia, PA.

2 CollectionAnatomy of Protest in America Series (AP) PublicationAnatomy of Protest in America Series: Newspapers, 1729-1922 from THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER DateApril 24, 1890 TitleAFRICA AND THE AFRO AMERICANS LocationPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania.

3 This phrase is taken from the book of the same name by Sydney Nathans recounting the epic struggle from Emancipation to the present day of several generations of an Afro-American family to maintain ownership of Cameron Place—the very plot of Alabama land where their forbearers survived life as slaves after being forced to migrate from North Carolina in the waning days of chattel slavery.

4 CollectionAfrican American Newspapers PublicationThe Christian Recorder DateDecember 21, 1899 TitleALLEN ASSOCIATION. Continued from 1st Page. LocationPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania.

5 CollectionAfrican American Newspapers PublicationTHE CHRISTIAN RECORDER DateDecember 12, 1889 TitleAFRO AMERICANS dolls, Afro American holiday books-they will LocationPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania.

to participate

Individuals, congregations, mid-councils, and others can witness against injustice by surrendering wealth or income proportionate with the advantages that privileges have afforded to two private charitable trusts.


Over $900,000 has been surrendered as of May 2023.

Surrender to date. As of January 11, 2022. Mid-Councils at $466,905, Congregations at $267,000, and Individuals at 178,690.
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